Dave (Technical Support)
Meet Dave
Growing up in Perth, I have fond memories of the assistance organisations such as Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul provided to us as a struggling family. It wasn't until later in life that I came to understand that these services were initially non-government based or funded and also run by volunteers with donations coming from the community, from those who could spare money, clothing, time or food.
These services shaped my view of people's generosity and led to a life long habit of donating money and clothing whenever we could spare them. Fast forward to 2021 and I noticed a recruitment company in Perth collecting donations for street folks and those people in our community most in need - this charity was Homelessness We Care Perth.
Homelessness We Care Perth is run by individuals who have seen the desperate need for support in the community, the real need not filled by our local councils or governments and are doing their part in providing food, hampers or support - directly to those in need. No pomp. No ceremony. No judgement. No "look at us, aren't we great". Just genuine, caring people helping those in need.
Over a period of 3 years, I donated meals and blankets, in 2024 I wanted to commit more to helping those in the sphere of HWCP. My background is in IT, cyber security and as such I'm supporting the charity by helping with the technology -- stay tuned over the coming months as we roll out our new website, along with improvements to our volunteering and rostering systems.
Please support us in any way you can -- your time or money (or both) will directly help those people experiencing homelessness.